Exercise: Netball Game (6’s)

Okay, who gave me the cold? I have been feeling absolutely crap since Thursday afternoon. I was fine Thursday morning, still fine Thursday lunchtime, but something happened between lunch and knock off work time. I just went down with snotty nose, blocked sinuses so quickly, it’s hard to really comprehend.

I had to take Friday off work, and cancel my hill run with Michelle. I was SO looking forward to doing some hill repeats too 🙄

And to make things worse, Michelle and I had organised a girly night out on Saturday night up in town. There was no way that I was cancelling as I’d been looking forward to it for ages. We’d also decided to do a nice 20km run while we were up there and run along a different route for a change.

So a slight change of plan. No running whilst we were up there. We still went but it was a very low key affair. We wandered over to the casino, played a little roulette, had something to eat and then listened to a band in the Sports Bar until the smoke got too much for us and we had to leave. We were both happily snuggled up in our hotel room by 10.30pm, watching movies and scoffing chocolate 😳

We had a really good game of Netball tonight except that I hurt my finger. The ball caught it and it flexed right back. Currently it’s very sore and is painful to move. Might have to strap it for a day or so. We played a really nice bunch of ladies tonight, which was a pleasant change. There are a couple of teams in the league who are right bitches and it’s not very enjoyable when we come up against them. Anyway, it was a draw tonight, after a count back by the umpires. We actually thought we’d lost by 1 goal but for some reason the umpires wanted to count the scoresheet themselves. Can’t argue with the umpires 🙂

Okay I’m off to get my dose of Big Brother. Hubby taped the nominations for me so that I didn’t miss it. What a lovey he is 🙂